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Recurring "housekeeping" functions are provided by dedicated scripts with eponymoys functionality located in the housekeepers directory (e.g. is used for deleting records from teh analyses collection; deletes analyses and their downtream records - i.e. the associated analyses and the variants from those analyses). Additionally there is a separate app for executing a number of standard maintenance functions in sequential order.

Functions for importing and updating (for now) reside in the separate importers directory.

General Options

Most housekeepers (and other) apps have some general options:

  • --testMode true will run a test setting, e.g. for deletion apps only indicate the numbers to be deleted w/o actually remving records
    • most destructive apps will fall back to test mode by default and ask for confirmation
  • --limit 0 will perform the selected action on all records instad of a build-in default wherease e.g. --limit 5 will just process a maximum of 5 records
  • --force true will perform the selected action even if there have been warnings or errors written to the pre-processor log file; onme is usually prompted for this

Creating Collations -

The collationsCreator script updates the dataset specific collations collections which provide the aggregated data (sample numbers, hierarchy trees etc.) for all individual codes belonging to one of the entities defined in the filter_definitions in the bycon configuration. The (optional) hierarchy data is provided in rsrc/classificationTrees/__filterType__/numbered-hierarchies.tsv as a list of ordered branches in the format code | label | depth | order.

TBD The filter definition should be one of the configuration where users can provide additions and overrides in the byconaut/local directory.


  • -d, --datasetIds ... to select the dataset (only one per run)
  • --filters ... to (optionally) limit the processing to a subset of samples (e.g. after a limited update)


  • bin/ -d progenetix
  • bin/ -d examplez --collationTypes "PMID"

Pre-computing Binned CNV Frequencies - frequencymapsCreator

This app creates the frequency maps for the "collations" collection. Basically, all samples matching any of the collation codes and representing CNV analyses are selected and the frequencies of CNVs per genomic bin are aggregated. The result contains teh gain and loss frquencies for all genomic intervals, for the given entity.


  • -d, --datasetIds ... to select the dataset (only one per run)
  • --collationTypes ... to (optionally) limit the processing to a selected collation types (e.g. NCIT, PMID, icdom ...)


  • bin/ -d progenetix
  • bin/ -d examplez --collationTypes "icdot"

Deleting Records

Records are deleted by providing a standard pgx-style tab-delimited metadata file where only the corresponding ..._id column is essential. As example, the app will take a table which includes a column individual_id and use these values to delete the matching records.

Deleting variants

Variant id values are generated upon insertion and are not supposed to be stable or recoverable. For variants it only makes sense to perform management at the analysis level. Therefore variants should be deleted removing the corresponding analyses and their variants using the app. Also, when inserting variants through importers/ by default all existing variants with the id values corresponding to any of the analysis_id values in the variants file are being purged before inserting the variants themselves.